meet the bots

We salvage and repurpose a variety of discarded objects to create Lee Bots. With their expressive charm, our robot sculptures bring new life to their broken and misplaced parts. 

Each comes with their own unique name, number and style.
Below are just a few of the more than 1500 bots.


Typewriter Bot
Height 6”
Weight 0.8oz

Berta is the oldest of the bot group & has had a creative hand in putting each of the group members together since 2015. Berta felt the bots’ creator needed assistants to help with bot production and finding new parts. Berta brings together both old and new world parts with a head of a computer speaker port & body & feet from a vintage typewriter.


Typewriter Bot
Height 10”
Weight 1.0oz

Cloris is the workaholic type A bot that enjoys staying in the workshop to make sure everything is working and is in its place. Cloris is always looking for new ways to create bots.

With a typewriter return key body and a video game guitar controller head, Cloris loves to listen to music while working in the shop.


Fuse Bot
Height 6.5”
Weight 1.8oz

Neva is easily distracted and is always finding the best shiny object for making new bots. Neva loves to go on runs for part supplies, whether it’s close by or all the way in Europe.

Made from a variety parts, including a vintage fuse, video game buttons, and legos, Neva is well versed in all the different parts that can be used to make bots.


Button Bot
Height 5”
Weight 0.8oz

Being the smallest of the group does not stop Poza from getting into trouble. This 5-inch bot loves climbing to the highest point to get the best views of the world.

Poza’s life started in a Spanish news station. The power button body from TV equipment, gives Poza the extra edge in front of the camera.


Letterpress Bot
Height 6.5”
Weight 1.6oz

This redhead gets its fiery attitude from its heat sink head. Clancy is the troublemaker of the group who is always looking for new risky adventures!

Clancy’s body was found in the largest antique mall in Ohio and is also the oldest piece of technology in the entire group.


Bit Bot
Height 11”
Weight 8.5oz

Being the 1000th bot built, Melba marks a big milestone for the bots. Melba is the tallest of the group and is always helping them get where they’re going. To make sure this bot would be extra special, its parts were collected from all throughout the United States. Melba was rust free until its feet hit the salt of the Mediterranean Sea.


International Bot
Height 10.5”
Weight 9.2oz

Gianna is an international bot and is the first European bot of the group. Gianna’s parts came from a small electrical shop in Naples, Italy. The body is an old light switch and the head is an electrical adapter.

Gianna has been traveling around the United States since 2015 enjoying all the sights and sounds of this foreign land.


Fuse Bot
Height 6”
Weight 1.6oz

This spunky bot enjoys being the cheerleader of the group. Rouxbot loves to make the group happy and is good at motivating

everyone to get moving in the mornings. With a pink fuse as a body, Rouxbot has one of the rarest parts of all the bots. Only 4 pink fuses have been found since the bots were first started in 2009.


Button Bot
Height 6”
Weight 0.7oz

Built in 2020 at the beginning of the covid pandemic, Roza is the newest member of the group. This hasn’t stopped this fiery little bot, though, from becoming a lasting member.

With an on/off switch body and a video game head, Roza is always up for a grand adventure or for just going to the park to see the flowers.

more robot friends